Why a Holiday is Essential for Creative Designers

Have you ever felt burnt out? If ideas are not coming to you, you may be experiencing a creative block.

Creative designers are the architects of visual storytelling, weaving stories using pictures, typography, and colour. We should admit that from time to time we get a mental or creative block, and it can be very hard to overcome, especially when there is an urgent task you need to work on.

According to an article by HRDQ, there are 12 potential creative blocks and among them is burnout, the feeling of being overwhelmed and swamped. One of the most effective strategies to combat this is to take a break, preferably a holiday. Taking a holiday is not just a luxury but a necessity for your overall well-being. Here are the reasons why:

Boosting Creativity and Productivity

Contrary to the belief that time away from work hinders productivity, holidays can enhance creativity and overall job performance. Many who return from their holidays are more focused and productive. Taking time off can be like getting a tune-up for the brain, improving your mental health and cognition.

Exploring New Perspectives

Sometimes being in a familiar work environment can keep you locked in the same modes of thinking. Travelling exposes us to different cultures, landscapes, and experiences. Being exposed to a variety of locations can help you gain new ideas, broaden your perspectives, and promote personal growth.

Reconnecting with Yourself

Amid our hectic lives, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves. Establishing boundaries between work and personal life is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Setting clear boundaries during holidays and prioritising self-care to foster a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

A holiday for creative designers is more than a getaway; it’s a strategic investment in creative thinking. Creative individuals can refuel their creative spirit, put fresh vitality into their work, and return to design projects with a renewed excitement for graphic storytelling.

So, the next time you plan a trip, think of it as a design oasis. A chance to fuel your imagination and grasp the untapped potential of your artistic journey.


Words By: Jerick Conejar, Content Creation Executive at Atteline 


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Atteline is an integrated communications agency headquartered in Dubai, UAE. With imaginative thinking and intelligent tactics, Atteline sparks conversations that reverberate throughout its network, finding and mobilising brand champions and influencing those who matter in the GCC and beyond.
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Today, Atteline continues to grow in its vision to be better than yesterday and deliver campaigns that Shape Culture.