The Power of Office Hours: The Evolution of the Open-Door Policy

In today’s fast-paced and information-loaded work environments, leaders often find it challenging to balance being sufficiently accessible to their teams while also accomplishing their tasks. As an advocate for effective and compassionate leadership, I propose an approach that draws inspiration from academia and deserves more presence in the workplace: holding “office hours,” which offers a structured framework for open communication.

Office hours were first introduced to me during my university years when professors designated specific times for students to seek guidance. I believe that this practice should be more widely embraced in the workplace as employees are similar to students in that they may want to gain clarity on tasks, propose ideas, or ask questions – but feel unable to due to the pressures of their job and the looming notion that being paid for their profession requires them to already have all the answers. This article faces the challenges, hard truths, and nuances with actionable recommendations.

  • Accessibility and Support:

According to a study by Gallup, employees who believe their leaders are accessible and approachable are 59% more likely to be engaged. By holding office hours, leaders create an environment where their teams feel comfortable seeking guidance, asking questions, and sharing ideas. This accessibility builds trust and empowers employees to contribute their best work.

  • Encouraging Open Communication:

Office hours provide a dedicated time and space for open dialogue. As highlighted in a Harvard Business Review article, this structured approach enables leaders to engage with their teams in meaningful conversations beyond routine meetings and urgent desk-side catch-ups about a current issue. The implementation of office hours has created a platform for open dialogue, where my team feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, seeking clarification, and brainstorming ideas. This practice has fostered a culture of transparency and collaboration within our organisation.

  • Nurturing Development and Growth:

A survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management revealed that 75% of employees consider mentorship critical to their career development. Office hours have provided me with a dedicated space to mentor and coach my team. Through these sessions, I can offer insights, guidance, and constructive feedback that contribute to their professional development. This investment in their growth has led to increased motivation, improved performance, and a stronger sense of job satisfaction.

  • Creating a Positive and Inclusive Culture:

Office hours promote inclusivity and ensure that every team member has an opportunity to be heard. This inclusive approach has tangible benefits, as highlighted in a study published in the Academy of Management Journal. The research found that inclusive teams outperform their peers by 80% in terms of business performance. By actively engaging with employees at all levels, leaders foster a sense of belonging and harness the diverse perspectives within their organisation.

  • Boosting Employee Satisfaction and Retention:

When leaders prioritise office hours, they demonstrate their commitment to their team’s well-being. This gesture significantly impacts employee satisfaction and retention rates. A report by TINYpulse revealed that employees who have consistent access to their leaders are 12% more likely to stay with the organisation. The availability of office hours showcases genuine care and support, leading to increased loyalty and a positive workplace culture.

As leaders, we have the power to shape our organisations and drive meaningful change. By embracing office hours, we tap into a powerful tool that fosters open communication, nurtures development, creates inclusive cultures, and boosts employee satisfaction. I have witnessed first-hand the transformative power it holds for both leaders and their teams. By consciously dedicating time to support and engage with my team, I have not only nurtured their growth and success but also cultivated a more harmonious and collaborative work culture. I believe that every leader should consider embracing office hours as a tool for effective and compassionate leadership, fostering a stronger bond with their team, and ultimately driving organisational success.



Words By: Bianca Riley, Group Director at Atteline