From the Hardwood to the Headlines: How PR Shapes Basketball’s Image

Basketball has always been more than just a game to me. Growing up, I spent countless hours on the court, perfecting my jump shot and studying the moves of legends like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.

But as much as I admired their skills, it was their stories—their relentless drive, their comebacks, their ability to turn obstacles into opportunities—that truly captivated me. It’s this intersection of sports, storytelling, and strategy that I find so fascinating, and it’s why I’m drawn to the world of Public Relations.

The Power of Narrative

In basketball, as in life, the narrative is everything. Sun Tzu’s wisdom in “The Art of War” when he said “All warfare is based on deception” resonates deeply with me, the importance of perception and strategy not just on the court but in my work as well. Just as a game can turn on a single play, a career can be defined by the stories that surround it. PR is about more than managing an image; it’s about crafting a legacy.

Michael Jordan’s journey is a case in point. His six championships are legendary, but what sticks with me are the stories—his flu game; considered one of the most iconic moments in sports history where he led his team to a win while suffering from flu-like symptoms and could barely stand up unsupported dropping 38 points, his first retirement, and then his comeback.

These moments were more than just highlights; they were chapters in a larger narrative that turned Jordan into a global icon. It’s the way these stories were told and retold, through PR efforts, that ensured his influence would endure long after he left the court.

The Athlete as a Legend

In today’s world, basketball players are not just athletes: they are brands, each with a carefully curated image that extends beyond the court. Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” PR professionals ensure that every step an athlete takes is in the right direction, building a brand that aligns with both public expectations and personal integrity.

Kobe Bryant’s “Mamba Mentality” is something I’ve tried to apply in my own life. His brand wasn’t just about his incredible talent; it was about the story of relentless determination, of pushing through pain and adversity. It was a narrative crafted with precision, one that elevated Kobe from a great player to a legend. PR played a crucial role in ensuring his story would inspire not just fans but anyone striving to be the best in their field.

Turning Adversity into Strength

Life, much like basketball, is full of challenges. I’ve always believed in the philosophy that it’s not what happens to you, but how you respond that defines you—something the Stoic philosopher Epictetus captured perfectly. In PR,  this philosophy is critical, especially when managing crises.

Kobe Bryant’s career wasn’t without its challenges, but what stands out to me is how he and his PR team handled those moments. They didn’t shy away from the difficulties; instead, they focused on his resilience, his return to form, and his commitment to his family and community.

This approach didn’t just repair his image; it made his story even more compelling. It’s a lesson I carry with me in both my personal and professional life—how to turn setbacks into comebacks.

The New Arena for PR

In today’s world, social media has become the new arena where reputations are built and sometimes broken. It’s a space I’ve learned to navigate carefully, both in my personal life and in my work. The immediacy of social media is both a blessing and a challenge—one tweet can connect you with fans worldwide, but it can also spiral out of control if not managed wisely.

In PR, guiding athletes through this digital landscape is crucial. It’s about helping them tell their story in a way that’s authentic and engaging, while also protecting their image. I’ve seen firsthand how the right strategy can turn a social media platform into a powerful tool for building a brand and connecting with fans on a deeper level.

The Future of PR in Basketball

As I continue to grow in my career, I see the role of PR in basketball—and in life—becoming even more vital. In the Middle East, the NBA has successfully utilized PR to expand its global reach, particularly through initiatives like NBA Cares and the highly anticipated NBA games in Abu Dhabi, bridging cultures and communities while deepening the league’s presence in the region.

The game is global now, and with that comes new challenges and opportunities. Just as Lao Tzu taught that “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened,” I believe that understanding both the external and internal aspects of a brand will be key to navigating the future.

PR is more than just a job for me; it’s a way to combine my passion for storytelling, strategy, and basketball. It’s about helping athletes not just play the game, but shape how the world sees them—turning moments into legacies, just like the legends I grew up admiring.



Words By: Alain Selfani, Account Executive at Atteline 

About Atteline

Atteline is an integrated communications agency headquartered in Dubai, UAE. With imaginative thinking and intelligent tactics, Atteline sparks conversations that reverberate throughout its network, finding and mobilising brand champions and influencing those who matter in the GCC and beyond. As a specialised agency, Atteline has three divisions; Consumer, Corporate and Digital, and works alongside some of the most current brands, household names and disruptive entrepreneurs. Today, Atteline continues to grow in its vision to be better than yesterday and deliver campaigns that Shape Culture.

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