What is the best way to generate attention amongst Saudi youth? Hint: not press releases.

Year after year, our clients have come to us with the same unsurprising communications challenge: what is the best way to catch the attention of Saudi youth?

With the number of social media users in Saudi Arabia projected to increase by 4.2 million users (+12.18 percent) between 2024 and 2029 reaching an estimated 38.66 million users by 2029 (a new peak), it’s clear that living and breathing Gen Z language is imperative, but even more so in Saudi where the staggering numbers speak for themselves and more than 60% of the population is under 30 years of age.

If you’re still not convinced, consider the latest mind-blowing stats released by YouGov’s ‘Beyond the feed: Social Media Report 2024’ which cites that Saudi Gen Z is most likely to spend 21+ hours per week on Instagram and TikTok. On a national level, 45% of Saudi residents use television as a source of news compared to 55% who use social networks. The bottom line, although social networks outrank television as a news source for Gen Z and Millennials, it still plays a significant role as a news source.

Whilst these latest 2024 statistics reflect the growing trends from the past few years, I wanted to take a deeper dive into the communications channels Saudis rely on most when it comes to entertainment, and more specifically, streaming platforms – think shows, movies, documentaries – How often are they watching shows, movies, etc.? What genres do they prefer? Where do they go for reviews on the best shows or movies to watch?

So, Atteline surveyed about 600 people predominantly based in KSA, and here are a few highlights:

Most respondents consume content at least 3-4 times a week (77%)

Most respondents confirmed that they watched some form of entertainment every day and more specifically every night. This is unsurprising as the latest data also shows that high smartphone penetration and internet usage have influenced entertainment habits, with many Saudis consuming content on their mobile devices.

Social media: go-to platform for show recommendations 

Out of the 600 people surveyed, just under 50% cited social media channels and word of mouth as their go-to platform for show recommendations. Online searching and YouTube also ranked high.

  1. Social media – 26.27%
  2. Word of mouth – 20.16%
  3. YouTube – 17. 68%
  4. Online searching – 17.35%

We also found that these findings, in line with YouGov’s 2024 report, apply to a broader audience than just Gen Z, including people aged 25-55 years old. Last but certainly not least and unsurprisingly so, respondents state that there is a strong preference to consume Arabic content, indicating that platforms that stream local or regional content are preferred.

People want to enjoy content that makes them laugh

Comedy (14.79%) ranked first as the genre respondents enjoyed most, closely followed by action, drama, sports, and animation. This is a trend we have witnessed quite a bit recently, especially with the complexities of the recent situation in the Middle East, people are increasingly looking to comedic content for relief. This is also a trend we have witnessed more of from our clients who want to ensure they are sharing light and uplifting content on their channels. ​


What Does This Mean for Communications Professionals?

This data underscores the importance of tailoring content to your audience and channels, especially for entertainment-related content. Social media is king, but to stand out amidst intense competition, brands need to create relevant, hyper-localized content that resonates with Gen Z. This often means going beyond the classic press release to deliver content that is funny and genuine.

In a world where the younger generation can see through insincere content, brands that come across as over-the-top or “cringe” are bound to fail. The key to success is simple: be genuine, local, and funny.



Words By: Samar Saliba, Client Service Director at Atteline 

About Atteline

Atteline is an integrated communications agency headquartered in Dubai, UAE. With imaginative thinking and intelligent tactics, Atteline sparks conversations that reverberate throughout its network, finding and mobilising brand champions and influencing those who matter in the GCC and beyond. As a specialised agency, Atteline has three divisions; Consumer, Corporate and Digital, and works alongside some of the most current brands, household names and disruptive entrepreneurs. Today, Atteline continues to grow in its vision to be better than yesterday and deliver campaigns that Shape Culture.

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