Five Tips for Public Relations Planning during the Summer


Summer is here and with the sun belting down and humidity rising in Dubai, it is notably considered to be the season in which people slow down the pace and work loads ease while the masses travel abroad. As appealing as it may be to sit back and relax while we ride out the summer, there is in fact no better opportunity to put things in order in the world of public relations because before we know it, busy season will be upon us again. Using the quieter moments to prepare will ultimately have you feeling less panicked when work gets hectic and clients begin to wake up from their summer hibernation. Below we provide our top five tips for fine tuning your public relations planning during the Dubai summer slump.

1. Get organised

We all have moments when we feel there just aren’t enough hours in the day, with our “to do” list of urgent tasks seemingly growing longer and longer before our very eyes. When life in Dubai is more quiet, harness this time to get yourself and your life admin in order. Clean up your desktop folders, restructure your lists and tidy your desk. Heck, why not cull your PR samples cupboards while you’re at it. Sometimes all it takes is a little organisation to feel on top of your workload and when it inevitably gets busier, your future self will thank you.

2. Look for new business

With less to do, you’re provided with a chance to spend time researching companies, brands and organisations and outreach to those who might be interested in your services. Taking the time to find new business opportunities can set the company up for further expansion and increased profitability. In some cases, it may even result in financial rewards for the savvy individual who brings it in. Win!

3. Dot your i’s

While the pace is slow, take the time to implement structure and set templates that can assist you once it gets busier. When in full swing, public relations campaigns don’t suffer fools, and planning your processes and procedures with meticulous attention can do wonders for efficiency when things begin to move fast. Reduce the margin for error on the little things will free up more time for big picture strategic thinking. Always remember, the devil is in the detail!

4. Look to the future

With less on your plate, take the time to look to the future and engage in strategic planning. Setting up a forward-looking public relations strategy will mean you are ahead of the curve and ensure you don't get swallowed and caught off-guard when the pace picks up. Whether it be for your own business or that of your clients, map out where you want to go, with a “critical path strategy” of how to get there, including specific timelines.

5. Network

Business relationships are important and while you have the time, these should be built upon further. Invite those who you have been in contact with out for a coffee or lunch and make a personal connection away from the screen. It is also the perfect opportunity to meet new
people and expand your network further. Making these connections now will ultimately help in the long run for when you need to reach out to certain individuals and find you already have a contact who you have created a friendship with.